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I Saw Your Profile Page 18

  “I just hopes this works.”

  “It will. Chauncey’s a ho. He won’t turn down free pussy.”

  “Or free ass in Danielle’s case.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Strips of fat trimmed from filet mignon were all that remained on their plates when Chauncey and Danielle finished dinner in their hotel room.

  “I like a woman with an appetite,” Chauncey said as he pushed his plate to the side and picked up his glass of merlot.

  Danielle grinned. “My strong appetite goes beyond food.”

  He was surprised by her aggressiveness. She’d always appeared more reserved online, but he didn’t mind.

  “Lady Danielle, you are quite a bit bolder than I’d thought you’d be.”

  “Is that a bad thing?”

  “Quite the contrary. Will you join me in a glass of wine?”

  “Sure. Why don’t you put these dishes out for room service first, though?”

  Chauncey gathered up the dishes from the table in the corner of the room and set them on the room service tray. As he walked away toward the door, Danielle reached inside the pocket of her suit jacket and pulled out two capsules. She broke them and poured the contents in his wine.

  When Chauncey returned, they talked about Danielle’s law firm and some of the celebrities she’d represented.

  Her name-dropping impressed him, though she refused to give specifics about cases, citing lawyer-client confidentiality.

  He tried to one-up her with his world travels, naming all the places he’d been such as Egypt, Germany, and Spain.

  When the conversation drifted to the mundane, he asked her to join him in the shower. Danielle declined his offer, but agreed to wait.

  He took a sip of wine and swirled the tart red liquid in his mouth before swallowing. “Feel free to get more comfortable,” he said.

  Danielle smiled. “I will.”

  When Chauncey closed the bathroom door, Danielle grabbed her purse from the bed and rummaged through it until she found a small, silver camera.

  She went to the bathroom door and listened. When she heard the water running and Chauncey booming out Luther Vandross’ “If This World Were Mine,” she smiled and refilled their wine glasses, pouring another capsule of white powder in Chauncey’s.

  Danielle set the glasses on the nightstand by the bed, disrobed down to her miracle bra and panties and walked across the room to the TV set.

  On top of the nineteen-inch screen was a black VCR and on top of that was a slim, black laptop Brenda and Arianna had planted in the room. Connected to the laptop was a palm-sized video camera. The laptop was connected to the high-speed Internet cable provided by the hotel.

  Danielle set her camera down next to Arianna’s and turned them both on. She planned to add her romp with Chauncey to her private porn collection.

  She powered on the laptop and logged onto an instant message program, looking over her shoulder as she waited for the program to load.

  She clicked on Arianna’s name in the buddy list and typed a message, her heart skipping a beat with every keystroke.

  Can you see OK? Danielle typed.

  The response was immediate.

  Yeah. Just don’t turn off all the lights; it’ll be too dark.

  The water stopped running. She closed the lid to the laptop, adjusted her camera and hurried back across the room where she jumped under the covers.

  Chauncey stumbled from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and his clothes in his hand. When he saw Danielle in bed, he grinned from ear to ear.

  He struggled to maintain his balance as walked to the corner of the room and laid his clothes on a chair at the table.

  “Are you all right?” Danielle asked.

  “I think I’ve had too much wine. I usually handle my alcohol much better than this. Perhaps it’s jet lag.”

  “Maybe. I guess we won’t be needing these fresh glasses I poured, then?”

  Chauncey pulled off his towel. “You don’t mind do you? I’ve never liked pajamas.”

  Danielle grinned without responding.

  Chauncey took that as acceptance. He climbed in the bed and began kissing Danielle and running his hands across her chest.

  He was taken aback when Danielle eased his hands away.

  “I thought you wanted this?” he said.

  “I do. But you’re tired. I want to start by giving you a massage.”

  Chauncey smiled, pleased with her response.

  “Do you know how long I’ve waited for an offer like that? Most women always want me to do them, never the other way around.”

  “Tonight’s your lucky night. Just lie back and let me please you.”

  Danielle moved to the end of the bed and motioned for him to join her.

  “Why down there?” he asked.

  “I feel trapped under the headboard. When I make love I like to squirm and there’s no wiggle room up there. Down here, I have options.”

  Chauncey was too dazed to argue. He got out from under the covers and lay down on his stomach at the end of the bed, anticipating Danielle’s touch.

  They were in perfect view of the cameras.

  Danielle straddled him, stroking his neck then working her hands down his back to the rhythm of his moans.

  “Mmm. Your hands are so strong. You’re almost as good at this as I,” Chauncey said.

  “We have a lot more in common than you know,” Danielle said, a sly look on her face.

  The massage combined with the drugs Danielle had slipped him earlier nearly lulled Chauncey to sleep. His head was foggy, but the lower part of his anatomy was wide-awake.

  He turned on his back and pulled Danielle toward him, wrapping his mouth around hers.

  Danielle gently pulled away and moved to his chest, tickling his nipples with her tongue.

  Chauncey closed his eyes, drifting into euphoria. He let out a low moan when she took his penis in her mouth.

  When he was brick hard, she unwrapped a condom and covered him before pulling her panties to the side and easing him inside her anus. She gently glided herself along his shaft while he moaned in ecstasy.

  He fell asleep soon after he came.

  When Chauncey began to snore, Danielle took off her underwear and stood in front of the cameras naked and smiling with an erection.

  “Chauncey Cockfield is a real man’s man,” she said in her natural tenor. She then turned off both cameras, took a shower and got dressed. She didn’t want to chance Chauncey discovering her male genitalia should he decide to get affectionate.

  She left a note telling him she had an early meeting and slipped out the door, taking the laptop and Arianna’s video camera with her.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Room 712 was heavy with anticipation as Arianna and Brenda waited for Operation Get Chauncey to shift into full gear next door.

  Brenda was sprawled across the double bed closest to the door, aimlessly pressing buttons on the remote control.

  “You wanna order some food?”

  Arianna was sitting at the desk surfing the web on her laptop while she waited for Danielle to come online.

  “Sure. Get me some salmon, mashed potatoes, and a salad.”

  Brenda slid to the edge of the bed and dialed room service on the nightstand phone. After placing their order, she dragged herself across the room, pulled back the floor length tan drapes that covered the glass doors and stepped out on the balcony. She took a deep breath and lit a cigarette.

  “Are you going to watch them fuck?”

  Arianna turned toward her. “That was the plan.”

  “Yeah, but now that it’s actually happening, I’m not sure I want to watch two men doing it.”

  “What’s the big deal? It’ll be like watching porn.”

  “Porn is an actor you don’t know fucking. This is a man we both slept with. There’s a big difference.”

  “I guess. But I didn’t set this shit up and travel three thousand miles to punk
out now.”

  “I’m not punking out. It’s just when we first started this, I just planned to lure his ass to L.A. and leave him stranded. I didn’t think things would get this far.”

  “Excuse me, but you brought Danielle into this.”

  “Yeah, but it was your idea. You were the one who didn’t think sending someone to the airport with a note telling him he got played was good enough.”

  “It wasn’t. Now close that door and keep your cancer to yourself.”

  “Let me know when she comes online,” Brenda said as she slid the balcony door shut.

  Arianna used her cell phone to check on Amir and Akilah at her brother’s house. Then she called Kenny. He was picking her up at the airport the next day and she wanted to remind him of the time.

  “How’d it go? Is Mr. Sexy dickless yet?” Kenny asked sarcastically.

  “Chauncey’s dick and his balls are in tact.”

  “Why don’t you forget this shit and come back home. I gotta bad feeling about this.”

  “Don’t start preaching at me again.”

  Kenny sighed. “I’m not preaching, Arianna. I care about you and I don’t want to see you get hurt. You’re so wrapped up in revenge against a man you don’t even give a damn about, you can’t appreciate the good one right in front of you.”

  She groaned. “Kenny… ”

  “Forget it, Arianna.”

  “I don’t want to forget it. Can we talk about this when I get back?”

  There was a knock at the hotel room door.

  “I gotta go. Let’s finish this in person. You still picking me up at the airport tomorrow?”

  “Yep. I don’t want you mad at me. Hell hath no fury like a black woman scorned.”

  Arianna answered the door for room service and signed the bill.

  She removed the silver dome and peeked at the food, scooping up a fingerfull of mashed potatoes and licking it off before going back to the laptop.

  Brenda returned from the balcony. “I miss anything yet?”


  She went to the bed and pulled a joint from her purse.

  “Another cigarette? Damn girl, you really are nervous about this.”

  “It’s not tobacco. If I’m going to watch this shit, I need to be high. You want to hit this with me. It’s one-hundred percent organic from Mother Nature herself.”

  Arianna smiled. “I haven’t smoked herb in like twenty years.”

  “I can tell,” Brenda said, firing up the joint. “Nobody calls it herb anymore.”

  “I’m sorry. I’m not up on the latest drug slang.”

  “Just hit the damn thing,” Brenda said through tight lips, trying to hold in the smoke she’d just inhaled.

  Arianna took two puffs and passed it back. “Thanks.”

  “That’s all?”

  Arianna coughed hard and her eyes began to water.

  “It doesn’t take much for us non-potheads.”

  Within minutes, they each retreated to a place inside themselves. The slow hum of the laptop fan provided a backdrop for the thoughts racing through their heads.

  Arianna slouched in her chair as her mind grabbed onto Kenny and wouldn’t let go. She wanted to think different thoughts, but the drug coursing through her brain cells had taken over.

  Kenny had become her best friend. They talked every day and she told him everything, including her plan with Brenda. He knew secrets about her most women shared only with other women or not at all. Like how many men she’d been with and what she’d done with them. Things she would’ve never told him if she thought they’d ever be more than friends.

  But the reality was except for his weight– and he had lost a lot of that – he was everything she wanted in a man. He was great with her kids. Always there for her. Smart, caring and affectionate.

  How did she really feel about him? Could she lose him? Had she gone too far with Chauncey?

  She sucked her teeth, suddenly remembering why she quit smoking weed. “This shit makes you think too damn much.”

  Her mouth felt like she’d been eating sand and her heart was racing. She got up and poured a glass of water. The food beckoned her. She took a bite of salmon. It was lukewarm, but to a sister with the munchies, it was damn good.

  Brenda was on the bed, remote control in hand.

  Arianna walked to the bed and stared down at her.

  “You can’t hang ganja woman? Not eating?”

  “Later,” Brenda slurred.

  Arianna finished her food and drifted back to that place of reflection where every decision she’d ever made was under review. She looked at Brenda again and could tell she was in the same place.

  Doubts and questions were about to consume her when the ding of an instant message brought her back.

  It was Danielle.

  Brenda sat next to Arianna at the desk, their eyes glued to the video camera attached to the laptop.

  “Is it hot in here to you?” Arianna opened the top buttons on her sleeveless, white top.

  “Only in your panties, Ms.-It’s-Like-Porno.”

  “Fuck you, Brenda.”

  “Oh my god. I can’t believe I’m watching this,” Brenda said as she leaned in closer to the screen. “Did you see that? I can’t look anymore.”

  The sight of Danielle sliding her ass over Chauncey’s cock was more than Brenda could take. She pushed away from the screen and lay back on the bed.

  “Let me know when it’s over.”

  Arianna didn’t move. She captured every frame along with the camera. When it was over, she removed the tape, labeled it “Sweet Revenge,” slipped it in a plastic case and put it in her luggage.

  “You missed a good show. He looked so out of it, he wouldn’t know ass from pussy if he were looking straight at it. I can’t wait to tell him about the tape tomorrow.”

  Brenda smiled. “Now that’s a scene I won’t miss.”

  Arianna went to take a shower. As she was slipping into her nightgown twenty minutes later, she heard a faint knock at the door.

  She peered through the peephole. She didn’t see anyone. She opened the door anyway, but the hallway was empty.

  She looked down. There, on the floor, was a camcorder and laptop.

  “Who was it?” Brenda asked from underneath the covers.

  “Danielle. She left your stuff,” Arianna said.

  Brenda got out of bed, removed her tape from the camcorder and stuffed it inside her purse.

  “We’ll flaunt my tape in his face tomorrow,” she said.

  “Oh you didn’t want to watch, but you don’t mind being the one to shove the porn in his face,” Arianna said.

  “That’s why we’re here,” said Brenda as she crawled back in bed.

  Arianna smiled. “You’re right. Payback’s a bitch.”

  Chapter Thirty

  Red was the color of revenge.

  They hadn’t planned it that way, but Arianna and Brenda both wore shades of crimson the morning of Chauncey’s undoing.

  Arianna’s strapless sundress hugged every curve and stopped just above the knee. Her red slides had laces that crisscrossed at the ankle. Silver hoops dangled from her ears and a Tiffany necklace sparkled in the center of her chest. A red leather purse hung from her right shoulder.

  Brenda wore a linen pantsuit with gold accessories, black pumps, and black leather purse. The wrong purse. The tape was still in the room inside the bag she’d worn the day before.

  They were up with the sun and at Chauncey’s room at seven. Just as Brenda was about to insert the key card, the door swung open. Brenda stumbled backwards, tripping over Arianna’s feet.

  “Shit!” Arianna shouted in the lowest tone she could muster, hopping up and down on the good foot.

  “What the hell are you doing back here?” Brenda whispered as she tried to gain her composure.

  Danielle hurried from the room and let the door ease shut.

  “Sorry. I left something in the room last night. Came back to get

  “Is he woke?” Arianna demanded.


  “Will you get out of here, then. If you’re still here when we drop this bombshell, he’s going to kick your ass.”

  “He might try to kick yours too,” Danielle laughed.

  She turned, twitched her ass down the hall and disappeared around the corner.

  Once inside the room, Arianna and Brenda stood on either side of Chauncey’s bed.

  “Wake up boy toy!” Arianna yelled.

  “I think the word is faggot!” Brenda hollered.

  Chauncey jerked up, groggy from the night before. “What the fuck all?”

  Arianna laughed. “Yes. What the fuckall were you doing fucking a man last night, bitch?”

  “That’s B-AAATCH,” Brenda said, joining in her laughter.

  Chauncey was perplexed. He rubbed his baldhead and pulled the sheet to his chest, wiping his eyes to make sure his former lovers weren’t figments of his imagination.

  “What on earth are the two of you doing here? Where’s Danielle and what the hell are you rambling about?”

  “We came to see the show. Chauncey does Danny. It’s about to be the hottest porn show on the Internet,” Arianna said.

  “Not just the ‘net,” Brenda said. “We can sell it anywhere. On the streets of L.A. and New York. In porn stores.”

  “We’ll start with all the women in his address book,” Arianna said. “I’m sure they’d be surprised to know that stud muffin here likes dick as much as we do.”

  “Cut the shit and tell me what’s going on!” Chauncey yelled. He was slowly emerging from his drug-induced fog and fear was taking hold.

  “How did you know where I was? What is all this talk about dick and faggots? Where’s Danielle?”

  Arianna walked to the head of the bed and bent down until her face met his.

  “What’s with the sheet, lover. You’ve never been shy about showing us your body before.”

  “That was before you went nuts. Are you going to tell me why you’re here? How the hell do you two even know each other?”