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I Saw Your Profile Page 17

  “I’m sorry, that’s all we have, ma’am. I can give her another blanket, though.”

  “I’m sure that’ll help, thanks,” Arianna said.

  Janelle’s doctor came in.

  “Good morning, Mrs. Carter. How are you feeling today?” Dr. Walker said.

  “Tired and cold,” Janelle said. “How are you, Dr. Walker?”

  “I’ll try and get this over with as fast as I can. Slide down to the end of the table.”

  Janelle grabbed the sides of the cot for balance and scooted her frame down a couple of inches.

  “Are you sure you can’t put me to sleep?”

  “We went over this in my office, Mrs. Carter. This procedure only requires local anesthesia. That’s all you need to numb the pain.”

  “The physical pain anyway.”

  Dr. Walker turned briefly to Arianna and Nicole. “I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you ladies to leave now.”

  “We’ll be right outside,” Nicole said to Janelle.

  Dr. Walker took Janelle’s legs and placed them in the stirrups.

  Janelle squeezed her eyes shut and crossed her arms over her chest, tightly holding onto her shoulders. She hoped the shivering would cease and her nerves would quiet.

  The nurse pulled a dingy, powder blue curtain around the width of the cubicle to shield it from view.

  Inside, Janelle cringed when the doctor inserted a needle in her cervix to numb the area.

  Soon after, she heard a loud vacuum cleaner-like noise as a machine next to her began to suction Chauncey’s seed from her body.

  Twenty minutes later, it was over.

  Janelle had come to the clinic a mother of four. She would leave once again a mother of two.

  Janelle had put back on her sweats and was waiting for permission to leave when Dr. Walker returned to her cubicle with what she thought were forms for her discharge.

  Arianna was sitting on a stool at the foot of the cot, and Nicole was brushing loose strands of Janelle’s hair back into the ponytail at the base of her neck.

  “I’m afraid I have to ask you ladies to leave again, just for a moment,” Dr. Walker said looking at Nicole.

  “Why? What is it?” Janelle asked.

  “This is confidential,” he said.

  “Nothing is more confidential than what I just went through. Whatever it is, they can stay.”

  “Are you sure, Mrs. Carter? This is a very sensitive matter?”

  “So is an abortion, Dr. Walker. Can you just tell me what’s going on?”

  “All right,” Dr. Walker said hesitantly. “I have the results of your STD workup. You tested positive for chlamydia.”

  The trio gasped simultaneously, as if they’d all received the same diagnosis.

  Janelle buried her head in her hands, hiding the embarrassment on her face.

  For a moment, silence filled the room.

  Then anger swelled in Janelle’s gut, replacing the shame. She jumped off the cot. When her feet hit the floor, the impact sent a sharp pain to her pelvic region. A gush of blood flowed between her legs, soaking the industrial sanitary napkin glued to her panties.

  “Aaaahh,” Janelle yelled, grabbing her stomach. “I don’t believe this shit! Are you sure about this, Dr. Walker?”

  “Calm down, Mrs. Carter. Please sit back down.”

  Nicole helped Janelle ease herself back on the cot.

  Dr. Walker continued.

  “Almost 75 percent of people with chlamydia don’t have symptoms; most don’t know they have it. Or when they got it. So keep that in mind before you jump to conclusions about your partner.”

  “I don’t have to jump. I know exactly who gave it to me.”

  “I am going to you give you a prescription you should have filled after you leave. Mrs. Carter, I can’t impress upon you the importance of practicing safe sex. You must make your partners use a condom.”

  “Partners! I only have one partner, Dr. Walker. Make that I had one partner.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to imply anything.”

  “Did you test me for anything else?”

  “We tested you for gonorrhea, chlamydia and syphilis. You tested negative for everything except chlamydia.”

  “Can I go now?”

  “Yes, you can go after the nurse gives you the post-op care instruction sheet. Mrs. Carter, I’m not trying to scare you. But you should consider getting an HIV test.

  “Are you telling me that I could have AIDS?”

  “I tell all my patients who’ve been diagnosed with an STD to be tested to find out their status. Here, I’m giving you two prescriptions.”

  He handed Janelle two pieces of paper.

  “One will take care of the chlamydia and the other one is for pain. You may have some bleeding and mild cramps for a few days from the procedure. Get both of these prescriptions filled and go home and get some rest. I will see you in two weeks.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chauncey was running out of options.

  Nicole, Janelle, and Arianna were through with him.

  And Arianna and Nicole’s warn-the-sisters campaign had been a success.

  For weeks, he surfed the Internet looking for a date, but his search was futile.

  The few responses he did receive were from women who had seen Arianna’s profile of him and didn’t want to be bothered.

  Then one day, he got an unsolicited email that piqued his curiosity.


  I just joined LMB and thought I'd drop you a line. I'm a 36-year-old attorney who lives in L.A. I’m looking for a brother who can handle a strong, independent woman. Being an entrepreneur with your own personal training business, I’m sure you could handle one just fine. (Smile) As for me, I work hard, but I play harder. Problem is I haven’t had a suitable playmate in a long time. I know I am an ocean away but … Write back if you’re interested. I have enclosed a picture.


  It must have been a response to one of the many profiles he’d put online, he thought. He quickly responded.

  Hello Danielle,

  I am definitely interested, especially if your internal beauty is anywhere near your external beauty. I like your sense of humor. I would love the opportunity to get to know you better. Distance is only an issue if we make it one. It should not keep us from finding true happiness in each other if it is meant to be. Where in LA do you live? Please write again soon.


  Hi Chauncey,

  Thanks for responding so quickly. I know you must get dozens of emails. I live in Beverly Hills. I own a condo there and my law firm is there also. I’m in private practice and I’ve represented a few stars so I do quite well. Folks who live here are very body conscious so I’m sure you could make a killing as a personal trainer if you ever wanted to relocate. Tell me more about yourself.


  My dearest Danielle,

  Actually relocating doesn’t sound so bad right now. I recently lost all of my personal belongings in a fire and several months ago I ended a long-term relationship. My business does well, but my personal life could use a massage! I’ve been staying in a hotel while I look for another place to live. But it’s actually worked out OK because I can see both my massage and personal training clients right here. I’ve done several pamper parties in your neck of the woods so I am not a complete stranger to the California area.

  But enough talk of work. You wanted to know about me personally, I assume. I am originally from Barbados. I spent a decade in London before moving to your country to explore the opportunities here. Business wise I have not been disappointed. Relationship wise, I have not found quite what I’m looking for as of yet.

  I am divorced, one son. We are very close. I try to get to London to see him as often as I can. I consider myself a family man. I am very close to my mom and my siblings.

  I’m looking for a mate who has a sense of humor, who is secure and understands that spending time with women is how I make
my living but I do not play where I get paid. I know how to cherish and respect what is waiting at home for me.

  Danielle told Chauncey she wasn’t comfortable giving out her phone number, so they communicated electronically via email and instant message.

  MrFit&Firm: Good evening love. I so enjoy when we get the opportunity to chat no matter how brief. It always warms me. Tell me how do I find my way into your heart? Where is the key?

  Danielle: You're charming your way in. I’m sure you will find it soon enough.

  MrFit&Firm: You should know I'm playing for keeps. I don't want anything less than forever. I'm looking for someone to grow old with – well, count birthdays with any way.

  Danielle: I think it’s a little too soon for either of us to be thinking that way, but I'll keep it in mind.

  MrFit&Firm: I wish we could talk to each other.

  Danielle: I know. But I told you, my ex boyfriend is a nut case. I can’t really afford to trust anyone right now. I am really scared of him. When I broke our engagement, he really freaked. I feel like I’m in the witness protection program, but that’s the way it has to be for now. I do want so badly to hear how you sound, too. I’ve been wondering if you have an accent. Some women fall for guys in uniform. I’m a sucker for an accent.

  MrFit&Firm: Then you are in for a treat. Which do you prefer, British or Bajan, the dialect we speak in Barbados?

  Danielle: British for sure. I can’t wait to hear you say my name.

  MrFit&Firm: I can’t wait to see your beauty in person. When do you think you’ll have enough trust so that can happen?

  Danielle: Soon. In fact, sooner than you think. But duty calls and I have to go. Hope to catch you online soon.

  MrFit&Firm: Why hope? Let’s make a date. How about tomorrow 11 p.m. my time?

  Danielle: Sounds like a plan. Talk, er, compute with you then. Ciao.

  Chauncey was taken with Danielle. Perhaps because she was so elusive and mysterious. He enjoyed the pursuit and he was willing to be patient. After all, she played in the big leagues. If he played his cards right, his next address could have a Beverly Hills zip code.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Arianna was mentally exhausted.

  She’d just had her one millionth counseling session with Janelle. It had been weeks since the abortion and Janelle was still leaning on her and Nicole for moral support. She called each of them every day. Chauncey was the only thing they ever talked about. By now, Arianna knew how much money Janelle had spent on him down to the penny.

  Janelle told her she’d tested negative for HIV, but she was still reeling from the abortion and feeling like an ass for allowing Chauncey to take advantage of her.

  “I’m glad you dodged that bullet, Janelle,” Arianna had said. “But now it’s time to move on with your life. Maybe you should lie down on somebody’s couch and figure out why you did all those things for him. You obviously have some self esteem issues because you think the way to keep a man is to pay him for his company, and that ain’t it, girl.”

  Janelle had gotten mad and made an excuse to get off the phone. Arianna was only too happy to hang up with her.

  She poured a glass of wine and checked her email.

  How’s Operation Get Chauncey going? Did you get the pictures I sent?

  Write back soon, Brenda

  Arianna hit reply.

  Got the pics of Danielle. Emailed them to him. He sent me the same tired ass pic he sends everybody. Called me, I mean Danielle, (smile), “ravishing.” He loves that word! All is well. Got him right where we want him. You sure the real Danielle is down with this? I would hate to get all the way there and have things fall apart because she changed her mind. I’ve been saving our exchanges so I can keep up with my story. I’ll share them with you. I don’t know how he manipulated all these women. I’m having a hard time just manipulating him!

  Take Care, Arianna

  After hitting the send button, Arianna decided it was time to let Nicole and Janelle in on what she and Brenda were planning.

  Their responses were as she predicted.


  As I said before, vengeance is mine says the Lord. Do you even know this Brenda?


  I know he’s a dog, but I don’t want to see him get hurt. I don’t think you should do this.


  She sent the same response to both of them.


  No one is going to get hurt. But, I promise you he will think twice about doing what he did to us to someone else. Mr. Cocksucker is going to learn that he’s not the only one who can play games on the ‘net.


  Just as Arianna was about to log off her email account, she got a message that had been forwarded from

  Good morning Lady Danielle,

  I am amazed more and more each day at how even though you have only recently come into my life, it feels like you were always here. I think of you every evening before I retire and every morning when I arise. When we don't communicate it’s as though an integral part of my day is missing. When we do exchange greetings, my day feels complete. You have become a part of me and I just wanted to share that with you.

  I can't wait until the day that we build enough trust between us that we get to the point where we have more than electronic communication. Although I must admit that every time I receive an email from you, it feels like Christmas.

  And I love getting those presents, so please reply most expeditiously.

  Yours truly,


  That muthafucker is some piece of work, Arianna thought.

  She clicked the forward button and entered Brenda’s email address.

  Check this prick out. He never quits. I can’t wait until the bastard gets what’s coming to him and you and I will have front row seats!


  Several weeks later, Arianna got her wish.

  As Danielle, she’d convinced Chauncey to go to Los Angeles to do a pamper party. It would take place the weekend of a sorority soiree, a scholarship fundraiser that attracted hundreds of the area’s most prominent black citizens.

  Danielle billed the pamper party as one of the new features of the event. Chauncey would give massages Friday evening, Saturday morning and afternoon, and then accompany her to the soiree Saturday night. It would be a business trip for him, and for her a low-pressure way for them to meet.

  Chauncey was scheduled to arrive on a Friday. Arianna took a USAir flight out of Philadelphia to L.A. on Thursday and spent the night at Brenda’s where they finalized the details of their plan.

  Brenda’s complexion was the color of caramel. She was tall and model thin, with sharp, beautiful features. Her home in Bel Air was palatial, with a sunken living room, cathedral ceilings and a built-in Jacuzzi. African paintings and sculptures hung on almost every wall.

  Arianna wondered why he hadn’t tried to marry Brenda to worm his way into her house.

  Brenda explained that he didn’t want to live on the West Coast.

  “Or so he said. Now, I wouldn’t believe anything that man said if his tongue came notarized,” Brenda laughed.

  Arianna had worried whether they would vibe in person the way they had done over the phone.

  Brenda put at her ease immediately. They talked all night, trading Internet dating horror stories and getting tipsy on wine as if they’d known each other for years.

  Brenda’s smoking was the only thing about her Arianna didn’t like.

  Friday morning, they checked into a downtown hotel and got adjoining rooms. One for them, one for Chauncey.

  After setting up their equipment, they went to LAX and found a spot in baggage claim where they could watch Chauncey’s arrival without being noticed.

  They watched as a tall, light-skinned woman with jet-black hair cascading down her back emerged from the crowd and headed toward Chauncey as he walked to the luggage carousel.

  Even though she’d seen her in p
ictures, seeing Danielle in the flesh was eerie for Arianna. She’d been her online persona for weeks.

  Danielle’s makeup was flawless. Her style sophisticated. She was draped in a Donna Karan skirt suit with a metallic, cashmere blouse.

  Arianna was amazed by how much Danielle looked like a woman. But the way she switched her ass when she walked gave her away. It wasn’t a sister sway. It was the stride of a sister wanna-be.

  Danielle was Daniel.

  The thought that Chauncey was sure to try and charm his way into his drawers made Arianna want to bust out laughing. But she kept it inside, snickering to herself.

  “Chauncey? Chauncey Cockfield?” Danielle’s voice was deep, but in a sexy, womanly way.

  She tapped him on the shoulder. Chauncey spun around. He grinned from ear to ear at the sight before him.

  “Lady Danielle, you are a vision. Your pictures did not do you justice. Would it be presumptuous of me to ask you for a hug?”

  “Of course not.”

  After Chauncey claimed his bags, they rode to the hotel in Danielle’s black Lexus.

  After they left, Arianna and Brenda returned to the hotel in Brenda’s silver BMW.

  Arianna began to worry something might go wrong.

  “How is she going to have sex with him without Chauncey knowing he’s a man?”

  “She’s a pro. She knows what she’s doing.”

  “How did you find her again?”

  “I helped a producer she’s tight with get a lease on a property for a shoot. He’s in the porn business. Said Danielle is a really good actor.”

  Arianna laughed. “Those are the kind of people you find houses for?”

  “Their money is green like everyone else’s,” Brenda said. “I don’t discriminate.”