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I Saw Your Profile Page 15


  “Why are you sitting way over there?”

  “So I can look directly in your eyes.”

  “You can’t do that sitting next to me?”

  “I like the view better from here. Anyways, you were going to tell me why I haven’t heard from you in a while.”

  Chauncey cleared this throat.

  “To staart with, Nicole and I have been over for at least a year. Yes, we were living together, but as roommates. I didn’t tell you because most women don’t believe that a man and woman can live together just as friends. Especially ones who were once intimate.”

  She uncrossed her legs and leaned forward, listening intently. “Go on.”

  “I came home from a business trip and she had gone mad. She’d commandeered my email account and contacted everyone in my address book to spread lies about me. She told people that we were lovers and that I was cheating on her. She even went so far as to say that I had dozens of women whom I met on the Internet.”

  Arianna tried to appear unfazed, but inside she waffled between anger and amusement – one minute pissed that he expected her to believe his lies – the next minute laughing at his attempts at sincerity.

  “And none of that is true?”

  “Of course not. She found the emails that you and I had exchanged and some old emails from other women that I have met online and concocted that story. I have dated other females that I’ve met online, but you are the only woman with whom I have been intimate. One minute we are living together as friends, sharing expenses, and the next she is behaving like a jealous wife.”

  Arianna sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes. She couldn’t take it anymore.

  “News flash, Chauncey. Women don’t suddenly flip the script like that. They need a reason. And a cheating man is a reason. You either cheated on her or did something else, like stole from her.”

  “I’m telling you the truth. Nicole Harris is a crazy woman. In fact, I’ve taken out a restraining order to keep her away from me.”

  She laughed. “A big strong man like you scared of a woman? She told me she has a restraining order out on you.”

  Chauncey jumped up and raised his voice.

  “She’s a liar. Lady Singleton, if I weren’t telling you the truth, I wouldn’t be here. I didn’t make this drive just to lie to you.”

  He slithered to the couch, taking a seat next to Arianna, out of view of the camcorder.

  He took her hand. “I told you that I was falling in love with you, and I meant that. I know these past few weeks have been a lot to handle, but I promise I will make it up to you, if you give me the chance. You are the only woman I want to be with.”

  Arianna snatched her hand away and stood up, hands on her hips. “I know you think I was born yesterday but I was up all night.”

  “What can I do for you to believe me?”

  “Give me credit for having some brains and tell the damn truth. I like you. I enjoy your company. But, I’m not in love with you and you sure as hell ain’t in love with me. And if I’m not the only woman you’re fucking then be honest about it. I might still spend time with you, but it will be my choice, based on the truth, not on your lies.”

  Chauncey’s face was paralyzed with shock. It wasn’t the reaction he’d expected. He was momentarily speechless.

  Arianna pounded to the door, opened it and motioned outside.

  “If all you have to tell me are lies, you can leave.”

  He walked to her and closed the door.

  “You are quite something, you know that?”

  She sat on the loveseat. He joined her.

  They were back in view of the camera.

  “You’re right,” Chauncey said, as if the truth pained his tongue. “You are not the only woman in my life.”

  “Nicole and how many others?”

  “I’ve dated several women I’ve met online.”

  “Nicole says you’ve got a fiancée. Are you really getting married?”

  “What is it with you women? Are you and Nicole keeping in touch now? You don’t even know her.”

  “I don’t know you, either. So are you getting married or not ‘cause I don’t do married men.”

  “No. I just told Nicole that so she would leave us alone.”

  “I thought you were going to tell the truth. You gave the woman a ring. What’s her name, anyway?”

  “Janelle. But she hasn’t said she would marry me, yet. Is this going to be an interrogation?”

  “You can leave any time you want. So what’s the deal with Janelle?”

  “Janelle is a sweet woman who loves me.”

  “Do you love her?”

  “I care about her.”

  “In other words, ‘no.’ But you’re willing to marry her?”

  “There are many reasons to marry. Love isn’t always one of them.”

  “So what do you want from me? I’m not going to house you or marry you or pay any of your bills. You can get sex anywhere and you have been. So what’s the attraction?”

  “I told you on our first date. I love your feistiness. No woman has ever confronted me like you did today. You are like a breath of fresh air.”

  “Save the charm. I’m not impressed.”

  “What would impress you?”

  Arianna stared at him. At that moment, she decided he was good for one thing – pleasing her in ways that showerheads and whirlpool jets couldn’t. Why should she deny herself his services one last time?

  She licked her lips.

  “How about impressing me with your real skills. What you can do under the covers.”

  Chauncey smiled, releasing the tension trapped in his muscles, and scooted close to her. “Are you trying to seduce me?”

  Arianna slid her hands between his legs, grabbing his crotch. “No. I’m straight out asking for it.”

  She straddled him and whispered in his ear.

  “Fuck me.”

  She dismounted him, stood up and headed for the stairs. Chauncey followed.

  “Grrrrrrr. Grrrrrr. Grrrrr,” growled Chauncey as he reached the height of his satisfaction.

  “I can’t believe you had me calling your name,” Chauncey said. “No woman has ever fucked me like that before.”

  She looked him in the eyes. “Good. ‘Cause I want to fuck you like you’ve never been fucked before.”

  Arianna rolled over to her side of the bed and pretended to sleep.

  As Chauncey snored, Arianna gently rolled out of bed and slipped on a robe and a pair of slippers. She tiptoed to the corner of the room where she’d thrown his pants on the floor and eased a ring of keys from his pocket.

  She was determined to unlock secrets.

  She opened his truck door and turned on the light, quickly spotting the Bible still snug in the passenger door pocket. She realized then that it was for show.

  Her palms started to sweat as she opened the glove compartment. She turned her attention to the house every few seconds to make sure Chauncey hadn’t discovered her missing.

  Among the papers she found was the truck’s registration, which listed the owner as a Bertha Clark of Lebanon, Indiana. Arianna wanted to write down the address, but didn’t have a pen.

  Instead, she relied on her memory.

  On the passenger side floor was a CD holder with Luther, Stevie, Gerald Levert, and a bunch of reggae artists she’d never heard of. In the back, under a pile of dirty sweats, was a steel gray box. She tried three keys before finding the right one. Her hands shook as she unlocked it, staring at the front door, scared he would appear at any moment.

  Inside the box was another stack of papers. She flipped through them and found two birth certificates. One was in the name of Chauncey Robert Cockfield. The other, Robert Chauncey Cockfield.

  There was a marriage certificate and divorce decree for Chauncey Robert and Lydia Barrett of London. There was a second marriage certificate, but no divorce decree for Chauncey Robert and Bertha.

  Arianna stuffed the document
s in the pocket of her robe, locked the box and put it back under the pile of clothes.

  She opened the front door to find Chauncey standing in the middle of the living room. She jumped, putting her hand to her chest.

  “You scared me. I thought you were still in bed,” she said her heart pounding below her hand.

  “Where have you been?”

  “I couldn’t sleep so I thought some fresh air might help. I sat on the front steps for a little while and did some thinking.”

  “What were you thinking about?”

  “You. Us. Stuff.”

  “Tell me something? How much of what Nicole told you do you believe?”

  Arianna thought for a minute then she walked toward him, holding onto the keys in her pocket so they wouldn’t jingle. She stood face to face with him and gave him the kind of answer she knew he would have given her.

  “I believe in how I feel when I’m with you. That’s all you need to know right now. Let’s go back to bed.”

  Arianna lay awake in bed until she was sure Chauncey was asleep, and then slipped his keys back in his pocket.

  Sunlight forced Arianna from another forgotten dream. She opened her eyes to find Chauncey staring at her. His face was almost menacing. She wondered if he’d found the papers in her robe.

  “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  “I’m not sure I like the way you were last night.”

  “Are you saying you didn’t enjoy it?”


  “So what’s the problem?”

  He rolled out of bed and put on his boxer shorts.

  “I’ve never had a woman take control in the bedroom. Not like that. That wasn’t very ladylike of you. Is that the way you’re going to be from now on?”

  Arianna smiled, pleased with the effect her performance had on her bedmate.

  She sat up and grabbed her robe from the foot of the bed.

  “I’m not sure there’s going to be a from now on.”

  “What are you saying?” Chauncey asked.

  “That we’ve gone from a lease with option to a tenancy at will. Depending on how you act, I might have to evict you.”

  Arianna laughed. Chauncey failed to see the humor.

  “So last night was about nothing more than your carnal desires? I’m not a piece of meat and your pussy isn’t so good that you can just have your way with me and simply dismiss me.”

  “It was good enough to have you screaming my name last night. And who are you to talk about dismissing people when you just dismiss all the women you get bored with? Like your wives.”

  His eyes bulged. “I only had one wife.”

  She quickly corrected herself.

  “Oh that’s right. You never married Nicole. Your wife and your various fiancées.”

  “Lady Harris kicked me to the curb as you Americans say. And since you think so little of me, I think it’s time I leave your presence as well.”

  “Fine. Consider yourself dismissed.”

  “So this is it?” he asked, his arms folded tightly across his chest.

  Arianna had gotten out of bed and was putting on her panties. “Yeah. How does it feel to be used?”

  Chauncey’s eyes were like ice. “It’s a good thing for you I don’t hit women.”

  “No. It’s good for you because I hit back.”

  After Chauncey left, Arianna took a shower. She douched and scrubbed her cinnamon skin almost raw, trying to erase all traces of his essence.

  When she was done cleansing, she wrapped herself in a towel and went downstairs, where she made a cup of tea and checked her email.

  Sandwiched between the ads for Viagra and low-interest mortgages, was a message with the cryptic subject line: “Revenge is Sweet.”

  She clicked it open.

  My sister,

  Thanks for the warnings about Chauncey Cockfield. It’s nice to see sisters looking out for each other. Wouldn’t you love to take it a step further and pay this bastard back? I’ve got something in mind. Write back if you’re interested.


  Arianna went for the mouse like a kid attacking presents under a Christmas tree. She hit the reply button and composed a response.

  I am definitely interested! Maybe we can work together, but I’d like to know more about you and how you know Chauncey. Give me a call so we can talk.

  Brenda Jackson called at midnight, forgetting about the time difference between the East and West coasts. Arianna learned she was a California realtor whom Chauncey convinced was the love of his life.

  Brenda had learned the truth in an email from Nicole.

  She had broached the subject of revenge with Nicole several times, but it was against Nicole’s religion.

  Arianna assured her she didn’t have the same hang-ups and agreed with Brenda that they use the Internet to set up Chauncey.

  “It’s poetic justice,” Brenda said. “We’ve been pawns on his little chess board and it’s time for us to checkmate his ass.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Bertha Clark’s phone rang and rang unanswered. Arianna was about to hang up when a raspy voice finally said, “Hello.”

  “Hello, ma’am. My name is Arianna Singleton. I’m an investigative reporter and I’m working on a story about an Internet Romeo named Chauncey Cockfield. Your name came up as someone who might know him.”

  “He’s my husband.”

  “Your husband? Not your ex-husband?”

  “Not unless he divorced me without me knowin it.”

  “But you’re separated?”

  “I kicked him out and haven’t heard from him since.”

  “Would you mind telling me how you met him and how long you’ve been married?”

  “What’d you say this was for again?”

  “A story about Internet dating. Mr. Cockfield has apparently met a lot of women online and I don’t think he’s told any of them that he’s married.”

  The woman laughed. “I’m not surprised. That’s how I met him.”

  An hour later, Arianna had a notebook filled with the details of how Bertha Clark became Mrs. Chauncey Cockfield.

  Bertha was a lonely divorcee when she met Chauncey online. At the time, he was living in London looking for an American bride to get citizenship. He was offering ten thousand dollars, half up front.

  If she didn’t find love, cash and the company of a handsome man was a good second.

  They lived together for two years. In that time, he convinced her he’d fallen in love and their marriage was real. He used her truck to store his massage table and pamper party supplies.

  Tired of sharing, she bought herself a new one, thinking he’d help with the payments, and let him have her old truck.

  A year and a half into the marriage, Bertha’s wedded bliss turned into matrimonial misery – she learned the rumors were true about her husband massaging more than his clients’ muscles.

  Soon after, she discovered one of his sex partners was her wild teenage daughter. She attacked him with a knife, but he overpowered her, escaping with his life and his gifted truck.

  When Arianna asked why she never divorced him, Bertha said all that mattered to her was Chauncey was out of her life. Once immigration found out he was gone, they stopped the citizenship proceedings.

  Arianna called Nicole and traded Bertha’s tale for Nicole’s revelations about wife number one.

  He met the first Mrs. Cockfield in college when he left Barbados to get a degree in the United Kingdom. He didn’t want to go back home, so instead he took a wife.

  He started a computer consultant business, became a father, and got British citizenship. He left the wife once he got the papers, and made half ass attempts at being a father.

  The wife divorced him and got half the value of the business, which he lost soon after. That’s when he discovered Internet dating. Being legal in Britain wasn’t good enough anymore. He wanted what America had to offer.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

Nicole and Arianna decided Janelle needed to know what they did about Chauncey.

  They made a three-way call to her house, but got Vanessa on the other line.

  “Slow down lady. This ain’t Janelle,” Vanessa said after Nicole blurted out that she had new information on Chauncey. “Who’d you say you was?”

  “I’m sorry. My name is Nicole. Is Janelle there?”

  “She’s busy. Who’s the other person on the line?”

  “My name is Arianna Singleton. Can you get Janelle for us?”

  “I told you she was busy. You said somethin about Chauncey. What do ya’ll know about her fiancé?”

  Nicole sighed. “So she really is going to marry him?”

  “What do you care?” Vanessa asked.

  Arianna impatiently chimed in. “Who are you?”

  “Janelle’s best friend.”

  “Good. If you’re her friend, then warn her not to marry the asshole,” Arianna said.

  “Been there. Done that,” said Vanessa.

  “Do you think the fact that he’s already got a wife might do it?” Arianna asked.

  “Oh HaaaYull No! I knew he was no good. You mean to tell me he’s gonna say ‘I do’ to this woman knowin he got a wife already?” Vanessa asked.

  “I’ve tried to warn her about him before, but she wouldn’t believe me,” Nicole said.

  “She won’t listen to me either,” said Vanessa. “That massage man will come back and sweet talk hisself right back into her panties.”

  “Well, I’ve talked to his wife and I’ve got the marriage certificate,” Arianna said.

  “But if he tells her he got a divorce, she’ll just take his word for it,” Vanessa said.

  “There’s got to be something we can do to convince her,” Nicole said.

  Nearly at a loss for what to do, Arianna suddenly remembered the tape.

  “Shit! How could I forget?”

  “What is it?” asked Nicole.

  “Chauncey was here this past weekend and I got him on tape talking about her.”

  “Her who? The wife or Janelle?” Vanessa asked.

  “Janelle. I made the tape hoping to get something to use online as part of my exposé.”